Saturday, January 29, 2022

My Bookish Pet Peeves

Today I felt like doing a different post, so I decided to talk to you about my bookish pet peeves. I will only be talking about practical things, things that have to do with the physical copy, the cover, the pages, and all that. I won't be talking about things pet peeves I have that are related to the stories, plots, or characters as I feel this talk belongs in a different post. Some of these things only bother me and no one else, others bother many of you as well, while some others bother most of the reading community but I don't mind them. So, here we go!

My bookish pet peeves:

  1. Stickers on the cover - This drives me nuts! And I think it is a common bookish pet peeve amongst the reading community, I can't think of anyone that would appreciate the addition of a generic, irrelevant, and ugly sticker on their beloved and beautiful cover. I mean not only they are ugly, not only they destroy the cover of the book, but most of the time they're impossible to remove! Plus if you have low patience - like me - the more likely it is that you'll end up destroying a part of your new book trying to take the thing off! Just stop this madness, please!
  2. Different sized books within a series - this is pretty much self-explanatory. Unevenly sized books just make it so much harder to arrange on the bookshelves. It's not amongst the most annoying things on this list, however, it is pretty irritating.
  3. Dog-eared pages - once they've been dog-eared they never go back and that's enough. I used to do this quite a lot in my school books and it was useful for this, but reading recreationally is a whole other story and there is no place for dog-earing in it!
  4. Movie covers -  just no!
  5. When people don't respect a borrowed book - I've long now stopped borrowing books, because the last couple of times they were brought back to me destroyed. I borrowed you the thing, just be careful, and bring it back soon and in the state I gave it to you!

Common bookish pet peeves that don't bother me:

  1. Broken spines - As long as it's not completely destroyed to the point that it can't hold the book together, I don't mind if the spine is a bit broken. On the contrary, I feel that a broken spine shows that a book has been read and loved, probably multiple times, by multiple people and that says something.
  2. Annotations - I don't usually annotate my books, I have done it a few times though when a book sparked many thoughts in me. It's great that I can revisit those books and also be able to read the thoughts I had about it at the time and I find it even more fascinating if I can get my hands on someone else's book and I'm able to read their thoughts about it! It's amazing that you can see what someone thought of a specific passage and it can help you rediscover a book and see it from a different angle. I know it bothers many other bookworms, but as long as it doesn't cover or smudge the text, I love it!

So, that's about it for me. What about you? Tell me what bothers you, what is it that you cannot stand, or something that doesn't bother you even though it's a common bookish pet peeve? Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with me, I'd love to hear what you have to say!

Thank you for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Movie covers generally don't bother me, especially if it's the entire series - not so much if it's just one book that's a movie version and the rest aren't. I also tend to dislike covers that change in the middle of a series as well.

    I've also stopped letting people borrow my books for the exact reason! I think the only people I let borrow is my mom (she's long proven she puts them in much better care than even me what the hell) and a few close friends who are also readers (so they completely understand).


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