Saturday, April 6, 2024

The Art Of War by Sun Tzu || A Book Review

I read this a while ago and it was one of the books that are completely out of my comfort zone. When it comes to books I don't usually go for, I tend to pick the audiobook, as a great chance to get more familiar with audiobooks as a medium and with different and unfamiliar subjects as well. I listened to the audiobook in a few hours and the narrator was excellent, but I have to admit that I felt weird reading it, however, in the end, it was still an interesting experience.  

This book is a guide on war, but it could as well be called "The Art of Strategy". What is interesting about it, is that despite it being a guide on war, the advice given could easily be applied to multiple other occasions outside of war or battle. It manages to give simple and still coherent today advice on dealing with conflict, and complicated, messy situations.

Another interesting fact about it is that even though it was written in a particular era, most of the rules are still of use and can apply to the modern-day world and situations. In my opinion, this gives it a sense of timelessness. I can't tell if the other intended to give this timelessness to it, or if it just occurred, but it's definitely there.

The writing style wasn't great, as I felt it was repetitive and a bit tedious at times, but the book is not so much about the wiring itself, as it's for the concepts analyzed and these concepts are worth the read. The book is short but it could have been shorter and more concise, thus helping with the repetidness as well. 

Concluding, this is a simple and accessible book that's unique and memorable in its own way. It was an interesting experience reading it and I'm glad to have read it, and even though I recognize its value, I couldn't rate it more than 2* out of 5*. I didn't love it, but it was a good read and I believe that even if you feel hesitant, you should still give it a chance.

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