Wednesday, January 5, 2022

New Years Book Tag & my Bookish Goals for 2022

 Hello everybody!

I like to create a post like this every year talking about my Bookish Goals for the year. But this year I decided to change it up a little and combine it with this book tag I found over at The Bookworm of Notre Dame blog for a post she did back in 2020 but was apparently first created back in 2018 by Heather on her YouTube channel Bookables.

  • How many books are you planning to read in 2022?

So, if you remember from the past posts I've made, I usually give myself relatively easy and achievable goals. I do this for many reasons - psychological and practical as well - but I wouldn't like to become repetitive and tire you out of your minds, so I won't go on analyzing those now. But if you care to know a bit more about it, you can always go check my older Bookish Goals posts here and here. 

I will continue this year in this same spirit of small, achievable goals. I will, however, make it just a little bit harder than last year. Last year my goal was to read at least 16 books, so this year I'm going to set my goal to 20 books and I am very optimistic about it.

  • Name 5 books that you didn’t get to this year but want to make a priority in 2022.
The first two are going to be obvious choices, for obvious reasons (because I need to finally be done with this series that I had been postponing for years and have been reading it for quite a while now). The other three books are just books that have been sitting on my TBR pile for a long time.
  1. "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" by J. K. Rowling
  2. "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by J. K. Rowling
  3. "Stardust" by Neil Gaiman
  4. "The Book thief" by Markus Zusak
  5. "The portrait of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde

  • What genre do you want to read more of?
I want to read a few more classics because I feel I've really neglected them and also more horror stories because I really enjoy them.

  • Name 3 non-book-related goals for 2022.
  1. Finish the first draft of my story and maybe even start a few first edits
  2. Be more consistent with the blog
  3. Lose some weight

  • What’s a book you’ve had forever that you still need to read?
"The scarlet letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. I've owned this book for many years now and I've always been curious to read it. Once I started it but ended up DNF'ing it. I've been thinking about starting it again but I still haven't gotten to it.

  • One word that you're hoping 2022 will be.
Can I say more than one? 

  • Tag a friend!
There's no one in particular that I would like to tag, but if you like the tag, please go ahead and do it! I tag anyone who wants to do it!


So, I'd like to conclude the post by listing my bookish goals for 2022:
  1. Read at least 20 books
  2. Try to read every single day even if it's just a couple of pages
  3. Finish the Harry Potter series 
  4. Read at least 1 classic book
  5. Read 1 Stephen King book (because I've been meaning to do it for a while)
  6. Read at least 1 non-fiction book
  7. Try to be more committed to the blog and consistent with my posting and improve the blog in general
  8. Listen to at least 1 audiobook
That's about it for me... I'm very happy with my goals for the year and I feel optimistic about how I'll do. Please, feel free to share your goals for the year, your expectations for the reading to come, and any other comments you may have. I'll be happy to exchange thought with you all!!!

Thank you for reading once more!

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