Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Spooky Would You Rather || Book Tag

 Hello, book-friends!

October is almost over and Halloween is just around the corner so I decided to do a fun book tag for this post. I found this tag over on The Sassy Book Geek's blog so you can go and check her out because she has some amazing content!

  1. Thrillers or Supernaturals?
    I've read plenty of both and I love both so I'm having a bit of a hard time choosing, but I'll pick thrillers for this one...

  2. Ghosts or Zombies?
    That was an easy one since I'm not really a zombie fan. Plus, ghosts can have many different interpretations and many different ways to be written and executed. It could be good ghosts, bad ghosts, ghosts you can see, ghosts you cannot see but only hear, ghosts from 1000 years back or ghosts from 50 years back, ghosts that can or cannot affect the protagonist's reality, ghosts that can or cannot be resurrected back to life and the list goes on... So, to conclude, I'll easily pick ghosts over zombies. πŸ‘»πŸ‘»πŸ‘»

  3. Vampires or Werewolves?
    That one is a bit complicated since we've seen many different kinds of vampires and different kinds of werewolves, so I would say that it depends on the type of werewolf/vampire.

  4. Witches or demons?
    I'm not very much into demons and demon stories and I really like witches, so witches any day.

  5. Would you rather read a book with 13 chapters or a book with a black cat on the cover?
    I'm not superstitious in general and neither of these two bothers me, but I'll pick the black cat cover because I really like black cats!

  6. Would you rather read a spooky book in the dark with only a candle for light or by yourself in a locked brightly lit room?
    I don't really mind the darkness and being locked in a room seems pretty scary by itself. And if I had to be reading something spooky in one of the two settings I'd easily pick an open room - even if it was dark - rather than a closed space, because then I could easily get out of the room πŸ’ƒ to get fresh air and feel less scared, whereas if I couldn't escape it would feel even scarier.

  7. Would you rather face your worst fears or be trapped in the mind of a killer?
    I mean... being a writer... I have to accept that being in the mind of a killer would be rather interesting... πŸ˜‡ And it could probably give me ideas for a story or two... πŸ˜… And it still doesn't feel remotely as scary as being trapped in a room with cockroaches (which is one of my biggest fears) so I'll pick the killer. Besides, it wouldn't even have to necessarily be a bad killer, it could be like an avenger type of killer, or maybe a killer that kills rapists and criminals, right? πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ And I'd so dig this... πŸ˜‚

  8. Would you rather watch a scary movie or read a scary book?
    Either one is fine for me, I like them both.

  9. Would you rather read spooky books during the fall time or all year?
    I would rather read them any time of the year I feel like it. I'm kind of a mood reader and I want to read whatever I feel like reading at a given time, not specific things at specific times...

  10. Would you rather read 10 spooky books in October or 10 spooky books all year?
    I doubt I would have time to read as many as 10 books any given month. My time is limited in general and I'm a slow reader on top of this so I couldn't read 10 books of any genre in a month, so I'll say I'd like to read 10 spooky books spread throughout the year...

I really enjoyed this tag and I hope you enjoyed it as well. If you did, then feel free to tag yourselves and do it as well or comment your opinions down below... I'd love to read them all.

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